Preview Party : February 22 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Book Sale: February 23-24 10:00a.m-5:00p.m
February 25 2:00p.m-5:00p.m.
Receive an invitation to the donor Preview Party on February 22nd by donating $50 or more to the Mountain Brook Library Foundation.
The donor preview party gives early access to the treasures that are for sale and a time of fellowship with the Friends of O’Neal Library and other donors.
For over fifty years, the Friends of O'Neal Library have supported the library through their annual book sale. In 2023 the Friends raised $27,000 during the book sale, which has been used to support the library's Teen and Adult programs (click here to see Teen programs and click here to see Adult programs). These enrichment programs make our library a more exciting and fun place to visit. Throughout the year, the Friends volunteers manage book donations and plan and publicize the annual book sale.
Friends do not have to be library donors, but we always appreciate and encourage financial support.
The vast majority of the funds that the Friends raise comes through books donated by our patrons throughout the year. Donations are accepted during regular library hours through the back alley entrance to the library. Please pay particular attention to our donation guidelines. We cannot accept materials that we cannot sell – falling apart or moldy books, (if they smell they can’t sell), magazines, encyclopedias, books over five years old on topics that date rapidly.
The Friends currently have an Amazon Bookstore, check out the store at Friends of O'Neal Library. All proceeds go directly to the Library to support library programs for Adults and Teens.
Volunteers are needed in several areas: helping manage book donations throughout the year, shelving books in the friends room, and planning and staffing the book sale and the preview party. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill of the form below and our volunteer coordinator will follow up with you.
Want to learn more? Contact Friends President Lauren Hayes at