Children's Digital Services: Find ebooks, audiobooks, and research links for kids.
Database of high-interest biographies profiling sports
Animated storybooks, read-along fiction and non-fiction for all ages. Ebooks, games, and videos. No downloading is required.
TumbleMath has the most comprehensive collection of math stories available anywhere using animated storybooks, read-along fiction and non-fiction for all ages.
Comics Plus
This link takes you to the Children's portal, where you can access graphic novels & comics curated for ages 3 - 10.
Emergent readers can find facts on topics in several categories in these visually-navigable databases.
Upper elementary students can use this service to search for information in topical databases.
Checkout and download children's ebooks to your computer or
mobile device.
Kids' ebooks & audiobooks are available for download or streaming. (Mountain Brook residency required to access)
The Alabama virtual library has lots of resources for children.
Kids' movies are available for download or streaming. (Mountain Brook residency required to access)